Name Saif Azzawi FRCS (Plast), MB Ch.B (Hons.), MRCS (Eng)
Title MD
Primary Specialty Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
Languages Arabic & English
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Phone +974 4400 4400

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  • Madelaine Gimzewska 1 2, K Hunter 3 4, S Al Azzawi 3, A Boreham 3 Beyond HOSPEX: what is the additional training value of military hospital exercises (HOSPEX)? British Medical Journal Military Health 2022 Jun;168(3):192-195. doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001438
  • Langridge BJ, Al Azzawi S, Toft NJ. Embedded ring injury – a rare presentation with an atypical aetiology Int Wound J. 2017 Dec;14(6):1052-1054. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12759. Epub 2017 Apr 27
  • Mohan A, Al Azzawi S, Mandal A. The Keystone Island flap: our experience in skin and oncological reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery October 2014- V134- Issue 4S-1-P50
  • Al Azzawi S, Ritz M, McMillan W. “Restylane for facial dimpling following surgery” European Journal of Plastic Surgery. (2011) 34:313
  • Al Azzawi S, Srinivasan S ‘Surface piercing—a new trend in cosmetic piercing, potential complications, and impact on our practice’ European Journal of Plastic Surgery. DOI 10.1007/s00238- 013-0887-6
  • Al Azzawi S, Yue D, Sujendran V, Jain V. Plastic surgery for excess skin following laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: Demand and delivery with overall patient satisfaction. International Journal of Surgery Vol. 9, Issue 7, Page 552
  • Al Azzawi SA, Mohanna P. Capsular Contracture around Breast Implants (e-learning for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery) [online], 2013. Available at
  • Mohan A, Al Azzawi S, Mandal A. Keystone flaps and their use in lower limb wounds and trunk reconstruction: Advantages, modifications and review of the literature. European Journal of Plastic surgery. EJPS-S-13-00260
  • Al Azzawi S, Hollowy S, Mandal A. Deliberate self harm: analysis of the psychosocial profile and management strategies, a surgeon’s perspective. The International Journal of Psychology IJP-BRR-14-83
  • Al Azzawi S, Alrubayi H. Every wound counts: undiscovered wound in mons pubis resulting in a chronic foreign body granuloma of the abdominal wall. International Wound Journal. IWJ-14-106/ IWJ.12303
  • Al Azzawi S, Ardehali B, Mosahibi A. Outcomes following early removal of drains after bilateral breast reduction. International Journal of Surgery Vol. 11, Issue 8, Page 676
  • Al Azzawi SA, Tanos G, Laitung G. Use of erbium laser for treatment of giant congenital melanocytic naevi, outcomes over a fifteen-year period. International Journal of Surgery Vol. 11, Issue 8, Pages 676-677
  • S Al Azzawi, K Johal, C Ekwobi. Necrotising Fasciitis. BMJ 2012;345:e4274
  • Mohan A, Al Azzawi S, Mandal A. Keystone design fasciocutaneous island flap- the patient and the surgeon’s choice for oncological reconstruction? Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand surgery. JPHS-2013-0395
  • K Johal, S Al Azzawi, C Ekwobi. Facial basal cell carcinoma BMJ 2012;345:e5342
  • S Edmonson, S Al Azzawi, , M Akhavani Hair Today; Scalped Tomorrow: Massive Subgaleal Haematoma Following Sudden Hair Pulling in an Adolescent in the Absence of Haematological Abnormality or Skull Fracture.. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery: July 2016 – Volume 27 – Issue 5 – p 1261–1262
  • J Bourne, S Al Azzawi, M Woodruff . Treatment of Trapeziometacarpal Joint osteoarthritis with a pyrocarbon interpositional arthroplasty: a case controlled study. BAOJ Ortho 2017 1: 1 1: 005
  • A Thacoor, Al Azzawi , N Kang. Crush injury to the hand following epileptic seizures leading to compartment syndrome. World journal of Plastic Surgery. Vol7/No.3/September 2018
  • Yue D1, Cooper LRL1, Kerstein R1, Charman SC2, Kang NV1. Al Azzawi S credited with design of project in paper. Defining Normal Parameters for the Male Nipple-Areola Complex: A Prospective Observational Study and Recommendations for Placement on the Chest Wall. Aesthet Surg J. 2018 Jun 13;38(7):742-748. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjx245