Name Bernard Harbieh MD, FHRS
Title MD
Primary Specialty Cardiology and Electrophysiology Consultant
Languages Arabic, English & French
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Phone +974 4400 4400

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  • Clinical pearls in interpreting 24-hour Holter ECG (Bernard Harbieh, Rana Marie Costa, Marwan Refaat. JMed Liban 2014 Apr-Jun;62(2):64-8)
  • Short QT Syndrome: Review in ACC: Ossama Abou Hassan, MD; Bernard Harbieh, MD; Samir Alam, MD; Marwan Refaat, MD
  • Case report: Extractions of a tunneled jugular defibrillator lead via a superior approach. (Bernard Abi-Saleh, Elie Chammas, Bernard Harbieh, Maurice Khoury. JMed Liban 2014 Apr-Jun; 62(2):113-5
  • Quantifying The impact of using CAC score for Risk Categorization Instead of Framingham Score or European Heart Score in Lipid Lowering Algorithms (Hussain A. Isma’eel, Mohamad M. Almedawar, Bernard Harbieh, Wissam Alajaji, Laila Al-Shaar, Mukbil Hourani, Fadi el- Merhi, Samir Alam, Antoine Abchee. J Saudi Heart Assoc 2015;27:234-243
  • Discrepancies between two lipid-lowering guidelines for CVD prevention in seemingly healthy individuals- Case study Lebanon. (Hussain Isma’eel, Bernard harbieh, Hani Tamim,.. ardiovasc Diagn Ther 2013, Sep;3(3):129-36
  • Isolated dextrocardia and congenital heart blocking (Maurice Khoury, Bernard Harbieh, Aline Heriopian. Radiology Case reports. 2013;8:521)
  • Coronary Artery Calcium Score is superior to Framingham risk score and European Heart Score in predicting obstructive coronary artery disease by stress imaging tests: Bernard Harbieh, Mohamad Musbah AlMedawar, Wissam Alajaji, Sharif Ul Alam. Lebanese Epidemiological Association
  • Quantifying The impact of using CAC score for Risk Categorization Instead of Framingham Score or European Heart Score in Lipid Lowering Algorithms. (Poster accepted by the World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology and presented in 2014)