Name | Ali Khalil |
Title | Head of Gastroenterology Division |
Primary Specialty | Gastroenterology Consultant |
Languages | Arabic, English & French |
Contact Details | |
[email protected] | |
Phone | +974 4400 4400 |
Scope of Practice
- Invasive Procedures: ERCP -Polypectomy -Stenting -Dilatation -Band Ligation -PEG
- Endoscopic Management of Obesity: Endoscopic sleeve Gastroplasty -Balloons insertion -Botox injection
- Manometry, PH -metric technics: Diagnosis of pelvic -Esophageal disease
- Pediatrics Diagnosis and Therapeutics Endoscopy
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease treatment and management
- Treatment of Liver diseases
Academic Achievements:
Community Outreach Activities/Achievements:
- Highly active in teaching activities
Health Care Profession Achievements:
- Training programs and workshops on all aspects of Interventional Endoscopy
- +19 Years of Experience
Experience & Education
- Associate Professor, Lebanese University, Faculty of Medical School
- Assistant Professor Service de Pathologie Digestive de l’Hôpital Saint Philibert, Lille -France
- Fellowship in Invasive Bilio -pancreatic and Endoscopic Invasive Technics Faculté Libre de Médecine de, Lille –France
- Diploma in Medicine, Faculté de Médecine Hassan II –Maroc
Certifications & Memberships
- French Board in Motility Disorder, Faculté de Médecine Henri-Warembourg, Lille –France
- French Board in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Faculté de Médecine Saint Antoine, Paris –France
- French Board in Gastroenterology, Faculté Libre de Médecine de, Lille –France
- French Board Hepatology, Faculté de Médecine Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris –France
- French Board in Endoscopic Ultrasound, Université René Descartes, Paris –France
- French Society of Endoscopy French Group of EUS (North of France)
- Francophone Federation of Cancerology
- French Club of Pancreas Disease
- Healthcare Management Academy Modules Certificate ESA Business School
- French Group of Experts of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- French Group of pediatric Hepato-Gastroenterology & Nutrition (GFGENP)
- Board Member of Lebanese society of Gastroenterology
Most Recent
- Assaf Moushira , Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha, Khalil Ali, Mroue Ahmad, and Hallal Mahmoud* The Effect of Water Flushing pump during colonoscopy in adenoma detection rate (Retrospective study) Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ISSN: 2582-1091) Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2021, Pages 14-18
- Khalil Ali, Hallal Mahmoud, Mahfouz Rayane, Moubarak Zeinab, Alomary Abdallah, Assaf Moushira, Matar Rasha * Effectiveness of 14 days concomitant therapy as a new regimen in treatment of helicobacter pylori infection on a sample of lebanese population* Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Journal, DOI: 10.15761/GHE.1000212 ISSN: 2398-3116, Volume 5: 1-5, November 27, 2020
- Yazbek Amani, Moussawy Sahar, Sweid Amal, Matar Rasha, and Khalil Ali* Value Of Endoscopic Features For Diagnosis Of Helicobacter Pylori Induced Gastritis And Their Correlation With Histologic Aspects* Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Journal, DOI: doi: 10.15761/GHE.1000211, ISSN: 2398-3116, Volume 5, Pages 1-5, November 26, 2020
- Mroue Ahmad, Kayal Mira, Alkhatib Amani, Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha,, Khalil Ali, Hallal Mahmoud* Hepatic Hydatid Cyst with Cystobiliary communication, case report and literature review* Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Reports, Volume 1, Pages 1-3, SRC/JGHR-103, October 12, 2020
- Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha, Khalil Ali, Mroue Ahmad and Hallal Mahmoud* Desmoplastic small round cell tumour of the peritoneum (a case report)and literature review* International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, November 2019 ISSN: 2395-6429, DOI: 10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr 201911
See more publications
- Desmoplastic small round cell tumour of the peritoneum (a case report) and literature review, International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, November 2019 ISSN: 2395-6429. DOI: 10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr 201911 Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha, Khalil Ali, Mroue Ahmad and Hallal Mahmoud*
- Hassan Al Moussawi , Mariam Al Khatib , Malak El Ahmar Houssam Al Masri , Ali Leddy, Tamer Akel , Ali Khalil *The effect of premedication with peppermint oil capsules (Colpermin) prior to colonoscopy: A double blind randomized placebocontrolled trial* Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 18, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 220-223, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajg.2017.12.003
- Spectrum of ERCP findings in patients who undergo ERCP for pancreaticobiliary disorders in a single referral center in lebanon Ali khalil, Ali eid, Mohamed obeidi, Hala zantout To be submitted and published
- Acute hepatitis C during the third trimester of pregnancy F. Gonzalez, MA. Medam, D. Lucidarme, A. Khalil, B. Filoche Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2006, 30 :786-9
- FlorentGonzalez, Michèle-AngeMedam Djomo, DamienLucidarme , AliKhalil , AnneDecoster, DenisHouze de L’Aulnoit, BernardFiloche, *Acute hepatitis C during the third trimester of pregnancyHépatite aiguë C au cours du 3e trimestre de grossesse* Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, Volume 30, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 786- 789, DOI: 10.1016/s0399-8320(06)73316-4
- AliKhalil, FlorentGonzalez, EliasEl Riachy, DamienLucidarme, BernardFiloche * Panophtalmie au cours du traitement d’une hépatite C par interferon pégylé et ribavirine* Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, Volume 29, Issue 11, November 2005, Pages : 1187-1188,DOI: 10.1016/s0399-8320(05)82192-x
- AliKhalil, DamienLucidarme, PhilippeDesurmont, RimaHamdan-Khalil, BernardFiloche, *Maladie de Crohn au cours du traitement de l’hépatite chronique C par interféron et ribavirine Crohn’s disease associated with interferon and ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C* Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, Volume 29, Issue 2, March 2005, Pages 193-196, DOI: 10.1016/s0399-8320(05)80736-5
- Severe ocular bacterial infection associated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment for hepatitis C A. Khalil, D. Lucidarme, F. Gonzalez, B. Filoche. Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2005, 29 :1187-8
- Crohn’s disease associated with interferon and ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C A. Khalil, D. Lucidarme, R. Hamdan, P. Desrumaux, B. Filoche. Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, 2005, 29: 193-6
- PH-Metric Patterns in Children With Gastro-Eosophageal Reflux (GER) Kalach, A. Badran, P. Benhammou, Khalil, C. Dupont Abstract in 2ndworld Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition PARIS- July 2004
- Bisalbuminémie et Pancréatite Forzy, C. Friedlander, Khalil, B. Filoche Presse Médicale 2004, 33:869-70
- Les varices œsophagiennesKhalil, B. FilochePhlébologie annales vasculaires 2002, 55, N°4.
- The Effect of Water Flushing pump during colonoscopy in adenoma detection rate (Retrospective study) Assaf Moushira, Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha, Khalil Ali, Mroue Ahmad, and Hallal Mahmoud*
- Placement of full covered self-expanding metal stents for benign refractory pancreatits duct strictures in symptomatic chronic pancreatitis Lebanese Experience. (Case Series) Khalil Ali, Houmani Zaher, Lakis Remi, Hallal Mahmoud, Assaf Moushira, Mroue Ahmad, Matar Rasha *
- The prevalence of celiac disease among patients presenting with dyspepsia in the Lebanese population.Khalil Ali, Abbas Batoul, Zrayk Abbas, Sleiman Mohamad, Lakis Remi, Rasha Matar*
- Effectiveness of 14 days’ concomitant therapy as a new regimen in treatment of helicobacter pylori infection on a sample of Lebanese population Khalil Ali, Hallal Mahmoud, Mahfouz Rayane, Moubarak, Matar Rasha, Lakis Remi, Moushira Assaf, Mroue Ahmad, Zeinab Moubarak*
- Hepatic Hydatid Cyst with Cystobiliary communication, case report and literature review Hallal Mahmoud, Mroue Ahmad, Assaf Moushria, Lakis Remi, Matar Rasha, Khalil Ali*