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أحدث المنشورات

المزيد من المنشورات
  1. Al-Musfir, T. M., Morris, D. O. (2014). Orthodontic treatment of a stubborn palatally ectopic canine: a case report. Journal of Orthodontics, 41(1), 46-50.
  2. Sept. 2018: Orthodontic management of the traumatized tooth: a pilot study. Poster presented at the British Orthodontic Conference, UK
  3. Jan. 2013: Auto transplantation: An Interdisciplinary approach. Lecture presented at the 1st Qatari International Orthodontic Conference, Doha – Qatar.
  4. April 2012: Clinical Photography for the orthodontic patient. Lecture presented at the orthodontic National Group for Dental Nurses Therapists , Wakefield, UK.
  5. Dec. 2011: Photography Course. Presented at the Yorkshire and the Humber Postgraduate Deanery, Leeds, UK.
  6. Sept. 2011: Can we predict treatment outcomes with the Twin-Block appliance? Poster presented at the British Orthodontic Conference, Harrogate, UK.
  7. March 2011: Interceptive Orthodontics. Lecture presented at the Yorkshire and the Humber Postgraduate Deanery, Dental Foundation Trainees, Dewsbury, UK.